Smart Metering - Energy, Water & Gas
Leadmax Smart meters are equipped with next generation Advanced Metring Infrastructure (AMI) which are powered with patented technology. The meter is designed to operate independent of communciation system with a plug and play modular approach. The Application layer for the communication module is DLMS which enables any third party communication module to Plug and Play and is totally independent of the Physical layer (RF, PLC, Cellular, Wi-F).
Smart Parking
Smart parking from Leadmax is a sophisticated combination of user friendly interface and top of the line network technology. It provides real time data about vacant parking spaces and other relevant data to the vehicle drivers through accurate monitoring of parking spaces.

Fleet Tracking
Our fleet tracking solution provides enhanced surveillance with ease of operations, which aids immensly in limiting fuel consumption and engine telemetry data, as well as conducting two-way communications with drivers around the world.
Fast Tag-Vehicle Movement
Radio frequency identification (RFID) aids vehicles to make payment at tollbooth in a seamless and cashless manner. Through RFID, tollgates can scan the code placed on car's windshield.
Security and Surveillance
By leveraging smart technology and harnessing years of deep expertise in security management, we have designed products to specifically cater surveillance, smart buildings with high-speed video.
Drive Cam
Leveraging technologies like computer vision, deep learning and advancements in onboard processing power of SoCs(System on Chip ) through a device that is capable of Driver monitoring(via camera) and keeps track of vehicle dynamics, to prevent accidents. The device also has a sophisticated algorithm which detects a crash and sends an alert to concerned people so that no life is lost, due to unattended help.
Remote Asset Management (RMS)
Provides a plethora of communication solutions that enable facility and network management to connect through softwares aiding in fast data collection, problem solving, business intelligence and analytics.
Battery Management System (BMS)
Our advanced Battery Management System provides real time analytics, custom alerts and intelligent insights enabling end users to extract the best performance out of their devices.
Power Management system (PMS)
With the help of our smart solutions, wireless sensors and enhanced connectivity, Power Management is now a simplified effortless task. Power conservation can be done seamlessly and a pre- pattern of electricity conservation can be defined and voltage levels and power wastages can be kept in check.
AMF Automation Module for Telecom
Access Mobility Management Function (AMF) connects people, things, data, applications, transport systems and cities in a smart networked communication environment. The hyperconnected ecosystem ensures quick data transmission and actionable response across sectors.

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