high-end security

Private Networking


Private networks, at a high level, mean leveraging a dedicated network that lies outside of public networks. Typically, the reason to use private networks falls under security and bandwidth purposes.

Private networks offer a new mode of enterprise wireless connectivity. They offer unique capabilities that alternative technologies, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and ethernet, cannot deliver. Only connected devices authorized within a private network are allowed to connect to the network. With private networks or non-public networks, performance is higher in data management capacity, quality of service, reliability, security, latency, and flexibility of coverage.

Also with private networks, these solutions are purpose-built to an organization's requirements outside of a traditional network through service providers.

Key Benefits

Benefits of Private Networks

Private networks offer a host of benefits, some of which are dependent on the use case, but have features that can support business cases in all verticals

With dependability and redundancy mechanisms that occur at every level of the protocol stack, private networks help secure mission-critical or sensitive data.
Private cellular networks can penetrate through walls and obstructions much better than Wi-Fi can, which makes it ideal use cases in large campuses and industrial use cases.
A strong, reliable network connection means gaps or interruptions in communication. This is important in all communications, but critical in applications such as robotics or autonomous vehicles/machine operations.
Large areas, like those in shipyards, airports, educational or business campuses, and much more can enjoy the wide range and coverage of dedicated cellular network connectivity
With full control over design, deployment, and operations, as well as the option to quickly configure the network, private networks offer greater plasticity than wired communications or public cellular.
Leadmax Private Network solutions help enterprises and organizations in all verticals with purpose-built, optimized private networks.

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